Thursday, January 30, 2020

almost done

The puzzle is almost complete

     Floors done, shoe down, furniture moved back into place.....
     Now all I have to do is move clothes from downstairs and odds and ends from all over the house into the bedroom and it will be back to normal.  Sort of      Jackie wants the curtains washed, so that will be tomorrow also.
     Then I can start reloading the pantry and getting the dining room back into normal shape.
     House projects are tough to do when living in the house.
     I still have to figure out how to clean the den and keep it clean.  Way too many papers laying around, and old magazines.  I do plan to cut out animal pictures for the zoo, but I think I have over a year supply of magazines I have not yet touched.
     I also have some little projects to do...and I should be doing them instead of playing spider solitaire.
     I just sometimes need the mindless diversion the game offers.....decompression time, if you will.
     I could decompress with a bottle of red too.
Peace and Love

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