Tuesday, January 28, 2020

wrong way, Corrigan

Life sometimes confuses me

     We have two cars:  A fancy schmancy German car and a pretty basic Japanese car. 
     Both were purchased from Rockford dealers; the German dealer on the south side of town and the Japanese dealer on the far north.
     You have to understand that to see the irony of my situation.
      I had a 2:30 appointment for a recall repair on  the German car..  I left in plenty of time, and was on the south side of Rockford at 2:15.  I figured I would avoid traffic, so I took the tollway up to Riverside, which is on the far north side of Rockford.  I was getting ready to turn into the dealership when I realized I was at the wrong place!  I went to the Japanese place, not the German place!
     That's why I was late for my appointment...but only by 2 minutes.
     Then when I left, I got in the left turn lane then realized, I needed to go right!
     I must have been channeling Corrigan, who flew from California to New York in the 30s, then turned around to go back but ended up in Ireland.  Go figure.
     I eventually got where I wanted to go....and at my age, that is always a concern.
Love and Peace

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