Saturday, January 25, 2020

holy cow

I am tired, again

     That seems to be my every day mantra.  I am tired.  Maybe I should have it printed on a t-shirt.
     I started cleaning today.  We do have someone who does that, but it did not make sense to clean in the middle of a construction project.  So I am doing the undirty work.
     It's amazing how much dust is in the house.  I used a mop to wipe down the walls in the bedroom, closet and bathroom where the flooring project was.  I got a lot of dust off the walls.  So I did them again.  I may do them a third time tomorrow.
     Then I used furniture polish to clean the closet shelves and the bathroom vanity cabinets, inside and out.
     Did a couple of loads of laundry.
     Cleaned the master bathroom and washed the floor when done.
     At the end of this, as we are getting ready to go out, I walk across the living room floor and my foot gets wet.
     "What the hell?"  I yelled.
     Corki had drunk a lot of water.  When she does that, she often urps it up.  This spot was also little orange.
     "I stepped in water because Corki threw up,"  I said.
     Someone living in the house then replied, "I know.  I stepped in it too."
     "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.
     Then came the reply of the day:  "You told me not to bother you."    I did say that because I wanted to finish cleaning the bathroom.
     Showing me something on Facebook is bothering me.  Telling me there is a napkin on the floor is bothering me.  Something like the dog threw up water so watch where you step is not bothering me, it's telling me important information I need to react to.
     And the orange?  Someone in the house had Cheetos for lunch. 
     Time for bed.
Peace and Love

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