Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Methinks the hard part is over

     The hammering and sawing are in the books on our new floor.
     Now the smelly part of the process begins.
     Today they finished the install and stained it.  The crew also made a repair in our pantry.  It seems somebody forgot they had a bag of potatoes in the pantry.      Only when the smell proved overpowering did I look and find a moldy mess of spuds.  The end result was the floor was discolored in one area. long as the floors were being done, I had that repaired, which consisted of cutting out some boards and replacing then, then staining them.
     These guys are pretty efficient and the work is very nicely done.
     One benefit is I am getting up at 7 every day.  So is Jackie.
     One drawback is, I am getting up at 7 every day.  I hope to be able to use that to my advantage in the future.
     Just hunkering down for the snow to start...either 2 inches or 6 inches.  Hard to tell.
     I just hope the floor gets done before the weekend...and the snow.
Peace and Love

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