Friday, January 3, 2020

too much FB

I think I spend too much time on Facebook

     And things are really starting to bother me.
     One guy posts a lot of furniture and labels them occasional chairs.  Really?  So sometimes it is a chair and sometimes it isn't?  Or is he using occasional in a different way?
     Another poster had a video game set on the floor and took a picture.  His foot is prominent in the photo.  He said the set came complete, even with cod.  I wondered why cod and not salmon?  Or perch?  One poster asked him how much the foot was.  I should have answered 12 inches.
     Another poster sells bikes, 85 dollor seems to be a common price.  I am not sure how a dollor compared to a dollar, but I am guessing it is pretty close.  And this is not a one time mistake....every post is filled with errors and the term dollor.
     I am a critical person.  If you are trying to sell something, take a good picture, write an accurate description, and make it look good.  Don't take the picture of the item in a room with a dirty carpet and clothes laying all over the place...makes people wonder.
     And do the $1 items get sold?  I often wonder about that.
     I know some people are selling things because they need the cash.  I do feel sorry for them.
     I just hope they make the money they need.
     I guess I got my grumpy on tonight.
Peace and Love

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