Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Oh my!!!

I had a treasure hunt today

     It all started with a plea from Julia to find her college diploma and send it to her.
     Well, if you have ever seen my basement, that is a challenge.
     I went down and started with her boxes.....lots of Disney stuff; cels, pictures, animals.  An autographed picture of Troy Aikman AND the authenticity document.  They were not in the same box, but they are now.
     Birthday cards for Emily's first birthday.  I want her to have them so she can read messages from the Old Ones no longer with us.  And I mean dead.  My high school grade book, which showed that I was definitely a below average, under performing student for much of my life.
     Then I found the treasures.  Kachina dolls I forgot I had.  These were purchased when Jackie and I went to the Grand Canyon.  I was still teaching, and our social studies book mentioned kachina dolls and  their importance to the Native Americans out west.  So I bought two for my students to look at.  When we moved in 2012 I packed them up and forgot about them.  I also found some beer steins Julia got me when she first went to Europe.  These were always on the upright piano we had on Skare Court.  A carved tusk from a sea lion from the 1880s or so.  Very neat.
     After going through several boxes, rearranging shelves, tossing out some unwanted stuff (not much, actually.) I had just about given up.
     Then I looked in the basket on the spare bookshelf and noticed the diploma sitting there.  In full view.  If I had looked their first, I would not have spent 990 minutes going through boxes.
     And I would have not taken out my treasures.
     Isn't that the definition of serendipity?
     Last night when it was time for bed, Corki went to the master bedroom and stood in front of the door.  She looked at me, looked at the door, then her little paw raised and she tapped the door three times, like she was knocking.
     She barely ate today and her stomach is really loud.  But the project is almost done.  Hopefully.
Peace and Love

Wood pile is gone

Because it is on the floor

Julia, remember these?  Were there 3 or 4?

Kachina dolls....hand made

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