Thursday, January 23, 2020

whoa Nelly!

Finish was applied to our floor  today

     I was knocked for a loop.  Literally.
     I was standing at the kitchen sink, Chad the floor guy said it will smell a little while so he had cracked some windows in the bedroom and turned on the fan. 
     The fumes hit me in the face like a tidal wave.  The room grew white,  my knees got wobbly and I honestly felt I was going down.
     I said to Jack, "I need help...." which was kind of silly because she can barely walk, let alone catch me.
     I staggered to the front door and went outside, breathing in some cold, clean air.  After a couple of minutes I felt better.
     Then the headache came.
     Now, maybe it is not the fumes.  Maybe it is the stress, or the confusion, or the fact I turned my head too fast.....but I felt like crap.
     I sat in my recliner in the den, opened the windows, climbed under an electric blanket and hibernated for a couple of hours.
     I made Jackie's lunch, then I had lunch.  Cheese on pumpernickel with a beef stick.  Can of cherry Pepsi.  Some chips.  Then I went crazy.  Cheetos. Chips and dip.  Chocolate.  Three kinds of cookies.  An orange.  Another orange.  Peppermint Kisses.
     I was like a run away engine on a downward slope.
     There is a groove from the den to the kitchen, worn by me as I ate everything I could find.
     When supper time came, I was not hungry.  My stomach was/is a little upset.  I still have a headache.
     But the floor has two coats of finish, with one more to come tomorrow.  Then it is let it cure for two days before moving furniture back in on Monday.
     I just hope we have enough food until then.
Peace and Love and pass the chips

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