Saturday, January 18, 2020

home improvements

What the hell happened?

     It's cold outside.  It was chilly in the house.  I put the fireplace on.  We have a gas one, so I don't have to find wood, split wood, stack wood, carry wood, clean up the ashes....all the fun things about a wood burner.
     I went in the kitchen to do dishes.  Jackie and Corki were watching tv.
     Sudenly there was a huge crash!  Corki took off flying and ran into our Santa/snowman board, sending it crashing to the ground.
     Jackie screamed.
     I ran and she pointed at the fireplace.
     The glass doors had shattered into a million pieces!  The whole interior of the fireplace is filled with glass.
     I turned off the flames and Corki was running like crazy until we called her and got her on the couch and soothed her.  She was shaking like a leaf.
     I am flummoxed as to what happened.
      This was after I spent a large part of the day prepping for our Monday project.
     Cleaning out a closet is not easy but I did throw out several old pairs of jeans that I was saving to wear while working outside.  I had 6 pairs.  Now I have 2.  If I run out of work jeans I'll just have to stop working in the yard.  I also got rid of 9 t shirts saved for the same reason.
     (On second thought, maybe I should get the ripped jeans out of the trash and offer them on line as distressed and ask $50 a pair.)
     And yesterday I threw out 5 birthday hats from my 70th birthday in 2018.
     Little steps.  Little steps.

Peace and Love

Look at all that glass!  
Can you guess what Monday's project is?

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