Monday, January 6, 2020

How much?

We live in different worlds

     A group of youngsters did a smash and grab at a Louis Vitton store on Michigan Avenue tonight.
     One of the items they grabbed was a $50,000 purse.  A purse.  $50,000.
     Now, what they did was wrong.  They will be caught, because there are too many cameras watching us these days.
     What do you do with a $50,000 purse?  Give it to your mother?  Or girl?  Keep it for yourself?
     I can't imagine owning a purse that costs more than a car or two, a teacher's first year of teaching salary, or a small house.
     I know, I am jealous of opportunity and success knocking on someone else's door.  I am jealous of people with million dollar salaries and 10 million dollar homes.
     I think that's why I like a progressive tax, where the people who own $50,000 purses pay more in taxes proportionally than the people working in the store making minimum wage pay.  Not stated very well, is it? 
    And I am not advocating stealing from the rich simply because they are rich.
    I just think that sometimes our society is out of whack.  Sometimes.
    I just hope those thieves don't use the purse to carry tuna fish sandwiches to school.  That too would be a crime.
Peace and Love

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