Tuesday, January 7, 2020

doctor, doctor gimme the news

This was doctor day for the Dickows

     Well, actually for Jackie.  We went to see her MS specialist.  It was a pretty normal visit.  He said the disease is progressive, and hers is slowly progressing.     He also said exercises would help.
     That's the problem. 
     We do exercises for a week, and then stop.  Part of the reason is timing.  We can never find a time on which  both of us agree.  At night she is too tired, in the morning I am too tired.  In the afternoon one of us is too occupied. 
     We plan to ask our caregiver to come a couple of times a week and do the exercises.  She will not take no for an excuse.
     We also had blood tests this morning.
     I love to eat.  We have to fast for the tests.....12 hours without food.
    So I stopped eating anything at about 8 p.m.   That means at 8 a.m. I should be ready for the test.  Because it takes so long for her to get going, we did our tests at almost 11.
     I was starving. 
     At least I did not faint when they drew the blood.  I did not even get dizzy.  No matter how many times I have had blood drawn, I still hate it.
     I guess that's the price of a poor lifestyle.
Peace and Love, but especially Peace

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