Saturday, October 19, 2019


I am a tired little boy tonight

     I mowed, did three loads of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, cleaned the bathroom fan, reset the under counter lights, took a mile walk with Corki and rode my bike 8 miles.
     I am tired, but happy.
     Why?  A successful hunt.

     These are kuchen.  One tray is peach, the other cherry.  I was hoping for apple, but there was none.
     Jackie asked me why I liked kuchen  and I had no answer.  She asked if my German grandmother (the one whose terms of endearment  for me translated into little shithead and pants full of shit....but I did not know that until many years later) made them when I was young.
     I think she must have, else I would not have developed a desire to have some.
I bought these at a church bazaar in a Ashton, which is a hotbed of kuchen cookers.
     We both thought they were very good.  I had one for breakfast and one with an afternoon coffee.  So much for watching my weight.
Now, Bob and Diane, I have found a recipe for apple cake made traditionally, the Dutch way.  Hopefully I will make some that I would be willing to share.
Made some  new friends in LaGrange when I stopped for coffee......they were kind of quiet.

     The Rochelle Rotary Club sponsors a calendar.  A cash winner is drawn for every day of the year.  Sometimes the prize is $25, sometimes $50 and 4 times a year $1,000.  If your name is drawn on Jan  1, it goes back in the pot and could be drawn again.
     Technically, each day you have a 1 in 2,700 chance of winning, because we only sell 2,700 calendars.
     Where does the money go?
     Glad you asked.  Rotary uses a part of it for projects and scholarships.  But the bulk goes to agencies that help people who need help.  A domestic violence shelter, child protection agencies, senior citizens center, center for troubled teens, child care center.......all good causes.
     So, if you would like a calendar, let me know.  I can mail, deliver, or dance the polka to make a sale.
Peace and Love
     PS...Julia and the socks????  Just for you!

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