Tuesday, October 22, 2019


All quiet on the western front

     At least it is now.
     Jackie called me a little before 1 and said there was a strange noise coming from the basement.
     I told Emily, ( we were at a meeting) and headed home.  She called John and he came over to investigate.
     Jackie and John both heard the noise, but could not ID the source.
     By the time I got home, it had stopped.
     Since then,  nothing.  Must have been the wind.
     I did find a popped serving of apple sauce in the pantry.  It was one of those individual cartons.  I tasted it and it was pretty terrible.  Don't ask me why I would taste an apple sauce that had popped and was sitting for how long I don't know on the shelf. 
     But that could not have been the source because they both heard multiple noises.
     Anyway, no noise is good, right?
     We did make 3 apple pies today.  I told you about the pie tins yesterday.  Next year I am going to buy the more expensive ones, because the cheap ones have a tendency to bend when you pick them up.  We may have some strange looking frozen pies.
Peace and Love and apple pie

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