Friday, October 11, 2019


This was not a nice day

     Cold, windy, wet.  Fall seems to have arrived.
     On the positive side, no falls today.  All went well on the home front.
     I had my final downtown history walk today.  Imagine my surprise when no one showed up for the 5 p.m. walk.  Maybe it was the biting wind, or the penetrating cold. or the dark clouds and damp atmosphere.....but I waited until almost 5:10 before heading off.  And yes, I ended a sentence with a preposition.
     For you gardeners out there, I have a question or two.  I have some potted lemongrass and some citronella geraniums.  I thought I read earlier this year that if I cut them back and put them in the basement, there is a good chance they will overwinter and come back in the spring.
     But I read several  articles today and no mention of cutting back either plant in any of the articles.
     They are in the basement, in a fairly sunny location, and I will water them weekly.  But it is the cutting back that concerns me.
     And since it is lemongrass, it appears to be useful in Asian type dishes.  I have no clue, or recipe, but I will be glad to share some if you would like.
     Now about tomorrow.....I have an early morning meeting, Emily is mom sitting, then my friends TC, Carol and I will be staffing a booth at the Hay Day event.
     We are doing Old Coots advice.......although TC is not an old coot.
     It will either be funny and entertaining, or it will be so freaking cold no one will want any advice at all.
     I am fine either way.
Peace and Love

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