Friday, October 4, 2019

damn GPS

So much for a 12 hour day

     I had a zoo day today.  I set the alarm for 6:30.  When I got up at 3 I assumed I would be able to go back to sleep.
     No luck.  I put peaceful thoughts in my head.....Dewey Lake, Lake Geneva, Lake Superior, Mackinac Island......nothing helped.
     I know it was after 4...possibly 4:30....when I did fall asleep, only to awaken a short time later.
     I forgot to shut off the security system.  When I opened the door to the garage  to finally leave, it was pretty loud.  Jackie and Corki were now awake.
     After the zoo, (which started with a note saying Happy Anniversary!  I started volunteering in October, 2008) I wanted to go to a Dyson service center in Bollingbrook.
     I got the directions, studied the map, and had little problem getting there.
I had a frayed cord on our cordless vac.  I asked for a replacement on line, and was told the $29.95 one was replaced by the $129 unit, so I did not order one.  The man at the service center took my cord, found a replacement unit and told me there was NO CHARGE because he has seen this on several vacs.
     That was great.
     I got in the car and headed out.
     I wrote down the directions, and entered them in my phone.  To get to the Dyson place, I turned on a northbound street.  So I turned northbound on the same street.
     First off, I thought my phone would tell me the directions.  It did not.  I only had the map, and since it is illegal to even touch your phone while driving, I assumed I was heading north.  I was not.  I was going south.  I ended up in Romeoville.
     I called Jackie thinking she could point me in the right direction, but since I did not at the time know I was in Romeoville, I could not give her a starting point.
     Finally I pulled into a shopping center, took  out the paper map, and discovered I had to turn around and go back the way I had just come until I hit 55, and then take that north to 355, then to I 88, then home.  Easy.  Seems I was heading south. delicate way to put it, by now the Starbucks had worked it's way through my system and my bladder was yelling for help.  I was in a construction zone and spotted a McDonald's.  I pulled in, used the can, got back on the road.....and because the signs were down for 55 due to construction, I drove past the entrance.
     I decided to turn left at the next light, go into the shopping center, and come back out. was a construction zone and the traffic in the other direction managed to block the intersection.  For three lights.  Finally some fairly intelligent people realized they should not block and intersection and a bunch of us were able to turn.
     I eventually got on 55 and for a while motored along at the incredible speed of 15 mph.  Although irritated, later I became thankful because on I 88 we rolled along at the mind boggling speed of 8 for about 10 minutes, then everything was clear.
     I had a stop to make for groceries so after leaving the house at 8:16, I pulled in at about 8:10.
     I just made a hot chocolate with Run Chatta and it seemed off.  Does that stuff spoil?  And I just discovered I am bleeding between two fingers, in the webbing on my left hand.
     I do think I will sleep tonight.
Peace and Love

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