Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Today was a disaster

     I went downstairs for something and heard a high pitched whine.  Now, I had my   hearing aids in.  I have been downstairs several times without my hearing aids.  I don't hear high pitched noises without them.
     Today I heard the noise.  I kept going around the basement until I found the source.
     The freezer door was open.  I was down Sunday or Monday for some beef stew meat and must not have shut it all the way.
    Every piece of meat was thawed.  It was cool, but thawed.
     So I called Headon's and asked their professional opinion, which was if it smells ok, it is ok to cook.
     I cooked 3 seasoned butterfly pork chops, 2 unseasoned chops, 8 hamburgers, 2 cube steaks, 2 pork cutlets, and seven steaks.  MK and S came out to help and they took 7 one pound packs of ground beef home and cooked them for us.
After we cooked the meat, we wrapped it up and put it in the freezer.
     But.....after 4 hours, the freezer was only cool, not cold.  I am worried about  that.
     I ended up tossing out 2 Butter Braid coffee cakes, a bag of spatzel, or however you spell it, some raclette cheese and some fondue cheese, and some spaghetti sauce.
     We had three frozen apple pies, which thawed, so we cooked them, along with 2 dozen cookies.
     The vegetables we put up thawed, but I did not toss them because we thought they would ok.......will they be?
     And what happens tomorrow if the freezer is still not freezing?  Do I toss all the food I cooked, or if it is cool will that be ok.
     Any advice you have would be appreciated.
     By the way...we do have a roast in the crock pot.
      If I had my hearing aids in Monday when I was down watching the football game after supper, or Tuesday when I went to ride the bike, I would have heard it.
      But I didn't.....and it cost me.
      I just don't know how much.  Yet.
     Hope the freezer freezes tonight.
Peace and Love

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