Wednesday, October 16, 2019

plans? who needs 'em

Nothing seems to go as planned for me

     Simple things....easy things....just get flummoxed up.
     We drove around looking at hay bales today. 
     For those of you not from Rochelle, this is a pretty cool event.  Round hay bales are offered for a price.  They are at least 8 feet , if not bigger.  The bale gets dropped off and groups or businesses then decorate the bales.
     As part of Hay Day, a competition is held with people voting for their favorite hay bales.
     Now would be a good time to share some pictures, but alas!  I did not take any this year.  Don't know why, just didn't.
     Hay Day was last weekend, so we opted to go today to view the bales.  It was sunny, fairly cool, but otherwise a nice day.
     Then I had four things on my to do list for today.
     One of them was hang some pictures.  (Exit 99ers....they ARE up.  For now.)
     One picture needed two hooks.  So I got my laser level out to make sure the nails were on the same level.
     I went into the part of the basement where I keep tools, and noticed a very strong dog urine smell.  I spent 15 minutes sniffing and feeling the carpet remnants, , but I found nothing.  Corki was not even down there today, but it seemed strong.
     Not finding anything, I went to get my level and found out the batteries were dead.  Went upstairs to get two batteries, found out the ones in the laser level and erupted.  Went back upstairs to toss the batteries.  Got some sandpaper to try to clean up the terminals and put new batteries in the level.  It did not work.  Went back upstairs to get two different batteries.  Cleaned the terminals again and tried it and it worked.  Took the unused batteries back upstairs.
     Went to put the first nail in, could not find my pencil.  Went upstairs to get a pencil and let the dog out.  When doggie came in,  l went back downstairs and put two fairly level nails in the wall to hang one picture.
     Then I hung three more and felt pretty happy.
     I also had ride the bike on the list, so I plugged in my exercise bike,  complements of John and Kathy, and turned on the tv.  Once the tv was on, I could not change channels or get the guide or adjust the volume because the remote batteries were  dead.
     Instead of going up, I just took the batteries from the level.
     What should have been two easy tasks...hang pictures, ride bike.....took nearly 2 hours plus 8, 533 trips up and down the stairs.
     Now I am just waiting for a huge crash at 3 a.m.
Peace and Love

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