Tuesday, October 29, 2019

two minute drill

I have little time left to......

Mow the grass one last time
Pull carrots from garden
Burn pile
Store golf cart
Clean out garage
Ride 5 more miles on my bike

     It sure would be nice if we did not get the 3-6 inches of snow some sources are predicting for tomorrow into Thursday.  At least it should not stick.  I hope.
Once it melts, I can still do the items on my list, but it needs to be a little warmer for some of them.
     Why 5 miles on my bike?  Because I am at 295 for the year.  I keep track using a Map my Ride app on the phone....tells me the date, route, distance, and then I record them in my old fashioned paper calendar, adding up weekly totals.
     I never ride enough, and then get mad at the end of summer.
     So New Year's Resolution One:  Ride some bike trails and get over the 600 mile mark in 2020.  Sure I may be 72, but that means I ride slower.  But I need to get a group organized to ride with, because that will keep me riding.
     But I digress.
     Tomorrow I will try to gas up the snowblower.....just in case I can't reach the guy who plowed my drive last year.
     It was a short fall....and I missed Native American Summer.  That just does not sound right to me, so I will never say that again.
Peace and Love

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