Wednesday, October 2, 2019

treassure troves

I found a box of treasure in the basement

     I have a tub of slides, photographic slides, I have taken over the years.  Well, I have not taken slides since 2007, but I have a lot of them.
     I have a Bell and Howell slide cube projector that actually works!  I have not used it in this house and we have been here seven years in November.
     Tonight I set up the projector and ran through 7 cubes of slides.
     Julia as a 4 year old, Emily as a baby, a camping trip to Isle's the problem.
     I was not a good photographer!
     Of the 30 or so Isle Royal slides, I can see four of the lake that are good.  The rest are just too dark to even make out who was there.  The question is , why did I save them?
     There are a lot of slides that should not have been saved.   Out of focus, too dark, blindingly white.....yet I put them all in cubes.  I don't think they would have changed over time, so my exposures must have been way off.
     One set is a little puzzling because it looks like pictures with the Super Dome in New Orleans in the background.  There are some tall buildings and barges in a river.  Now it is puzzling because we have never been to New Orleans.  How did   I get these pictures in with Jackie's grandmother's birthday party?
     'Tis a mystery.
     Also a mystery is why every other picture is either sideways or upside down.  I must have just stuck them willy nilly into cubes.
     In any case....some day you will see some of them. 
    There will be a younger, thinner me along with younger Jackie and our truly darling daughters.
     Until then, I have to go through about 67 cubes, each with 36 pictures, plus a bunch of slides in cardboard boxes.
     It may take a while.
Peace and Love

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