Tuesday, October 8, 2019

what the heck

I think something is wrong with me

     Every time I do a play, I have trouble saying the lines correctly.
     If I am supposed to say,  "You look weird an d you look fat."  It comes out, "You look fat and you look weird."
     I reverse a lot of lines!
     I don't get it.  I did not learn them reversed, but it happens.
     It has always happened, so it is not an age thing.
     And there is always one line that screws me up.
     TC and I were doing a Tuna show and my line was, "I've had it up to my ass with this sorry excuse for a town  and some body's going to pay."
     I had the line memorized.  Knew it.  For all the rehearsals I was confident.
Get on stage, and I could not say that line correctly for the life of me.
      Sometimes it came out, "I've had it up to my neck and some body's going to pay."
     Sometimes it was my head, my face....everywhere but my ass.  Sometimes somebody was going to pay, other night's they would be sorry.  Once I may have said heads would roll.
     My eyes would roll up into my head and my face would go blank when I got to the part.....it was all quite amusing.
     Tonight I learned I have been saying a line wrong for the past two weeks because I memorized it wrong.   But it should be an easy fix.
     Like I said, I have always reversed...so it is not an age thing.  But it is confounding.
Love and Peace

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