Wednesday, October 23, 2019

sounds like .....

I have been thinking of noise today

I have tinnitus.  And I have hearing aids.  Hearing is an issue.
But there are things I can hear that I love.
Rain falling.
Thunder in  the distance.
Train whistles as they fade into the distance.  (I hate to use distance twice, but hey.....could say afar.)
Children laughing.
Morning doves.
The pop of a wine cork.
It may be, it could be, it is!  Home run!
Prairie grass blowing in the wind.
Waves hitting a shore or the side of a boat.
Bicycle bells in Holland.
Cow bells in Switzerland.
Alpine horns in Switzerland.
I  used to love hearing cicadas ..... but with the tinnitus, I hear them year round and now they just bug me.  (No pun intended.)
Someone typing on an old manual typewriter.
Snow falling.
Just some observations on this cool, rainy night.
     Peace and Love

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