Sunday, October 6, 2019

always look on the bright side of life

Everybody whistle!  de do, de de.......

     Pardon me...went to see Spamalot today with Emily and John.
     It brought me back to the old neighborhood.  Seriously.
     Spamalot was at the Mercury Theater, about 4 blocks from where I grew up.     It is very close to the Music Box, a movie palace that I have been to many times as a kid.
     My mom took me there to see My Fair Lady and Oklahoma.  I remember that distinctly, although My Fair Lady came out in 1956, so I must have been about 8 years old.
     During one rowdy matinee, I threw a Milk Dud at the screen.  Every time there was a close up of John Wayne, it looked like he had a mole on his face!  Good times.......
     But I digress.  The Mercury Theater is relatively new...within the last 20 years or so. 
     It has a professional troupe in residence, at least that is what it seems.
     The performers were very good.  I sometimes don't watch the main characters, but I watch the faces of the people in the background, and their body language.  The characters in this show were alive and involved with the production.
     I also watch the feet of the dancers.  I know that is strange, but that is what I do.
     The male dancers in this show did a variety of tap routines and sequences and their feet were flying in all directions.
     These are professionals.  Yet, they are not on Broadway, or off Broadway, or a touring company.  It reminded me of why I could never have been a professional actor.  The talent level they had was amazing....yet they were not first teamers, more like single A ball in baseball.
     Some of them have not yet been "discovered" but I would bet the majority of them would not have a problem filling a role on Broadway.
     It was a neat experience and I am glad Emily and John asked me to go.  Too bad I didn't get a picture by the marquee!
     As we drove through the old neighborhood, I kept expecting to see faces I knew...John, Frank, Billy, Larry, Connie, Sandy, Richie, Joe, Mark......but everyone was a stranger.
     I guess that happens after 50 years.
Peace and Love

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