Monday, October 14, 2019

Once upon a time

I could actually proofread copy

     I could find mistakes and correct them.  Now, I type as best I can, do all the corrections I see, and then notice a huge spelling mistake.
     My skills are slipping.
     Someday I'll tell you of my role as a bag man......and it is not what you think.
     I had a dental appointment today.  Impressions and measurements were made for my soon to be installed implant.  I don't know, do you install them?  Insert them?  Affix them?
     At one point today my mouth was full of some gel like substance for an impression.
     I had a mini panic attack.
     My mind was racing:  What if he made a mistake and grabbed glue?  What if my mouth can't open again?  What if I choke to death in the chair?
     I got a little was the longest three minutes of my highly paranoid life.
     Anyway.....tired.  Going to bed.
Sweet dreams and......
Peace and Love.

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