Sunday, October 27, 2019

did ya miss me?

I took the night out...I mean off

     Actually both.
     Went camping with friends John and Dave, guys I have known since elementary school.
     Date was picked months ago...for retired guys, we seem to be pretty busy.
     I love the day....lunch at the Rafters in Lena with it's haystack burger and a local brew was great.
     Apple River  Canyon is a small state park, but it is a  pretty state park.  We were surprised there were so many campers there!  It was the first weekend of trout season, and maybe some of them were fishing and camping.
     The rain held off until 5, then it just misted for a while.  Then it stopped.  Then it misted.  By 7 our tents were up, it was raining; the fire was still burning so it was not a heavy rain.
     I went to tent about 8.  I was cold and tired.  I slept a long time, but when  nature called sometime in the middle of the night, I stepped out in a cold but star filled night.
     This morning was cold...had to scrape my windshield.
    And then we had an unexpected surprise.
     Normally we go to a restaurant in Lena, but the place was closed last year.  Dave found a place in Stockton called Stella's Cafe....and it was amazing.
     They had a breakfast bar with a made to order omelette station, and offerings of biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, broasted potatoes, pancakes, French toast, bacon, sausage and a bunch of desserts and fruits.
     And the building?  An 1887 brick with a beautiful tin ceiling, shelves for books, and a lot of seating.  We walked in and there were not a lot of people, but soon it was packed.
     It was all pretty darn good....highly recommend stopping there on your way back from Galena
     And Stella?  Evidently that is the 10 year old daughter of the owner.
     Thanks Dave for finding Stella's and thanks both of you for going.
     Some pictures from the days.
Love and Peace

Coming back up was the hard part

canopy proved to be a great idea

That's a leaf!  Sycamore, I believe

Frosty morning


I think the saddest part of this picture is the sign in the lower town is left untouched

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