Wednesday, October 9, 2019


My life can be somewhat confusing

     Or a subtitle:  The case of the missing poop.
     Let's just say this was one weird day.
     I did not sleep well last night....I could not find Uncle Henry's ashes and the search led me down some very bizarre dream sequences.  Very.  Bizarre.
     I went to DeKalb in the afternoon for a final check up on the dental implant.  I was given the go ahead to get the fake tooth and resume chewing somewhat naturally.
     When I got home I walked the dog.
     When I walk Corki, I carry blue bags for her solid waste.  (Poop may be an indelicate word, so I used solid waste instead.  Smart, huh?)  Corki always, I mean always, emits solid waste in an empty field across from the second house down from us.  I always pick up the solid waste material  and put it in the bag, then leave the bag for collection on the walk back.  That way I don't have to carry a bag of solid waste for the next mile.
     Today Corki evacuated some solid waste several houses down.  Now, I don't know the person who lives across the road from the evacuation.  I wave to him, but he never waves back.  I tried to talk to him in his driveway once, but he ignored me.  One time he saw me walking down the street toward him and made a bee line through a vacant field, away from me.
     I picked up the solid waste material and tied the bag closed and dropped it on the side of the road.
     Then Corkie shit again. ( Sorry, solid waste is a lot to type.)  Again, I picked it up up and left the blue bag to pick up on the way home.
     When we got back, the bags were gone.  The man was in his garage and when I turned toward his house to explain,  the garage door closed.
     I feel bad that he thinks I am the sort of person to leave bags of dog shit laying around, I am not.  It was just weird.
     After the walk, I still had some daylight so I decided to edge the driveway and sidewalk.  I have not done it in a couple of years.  After getting it almost done, John pulled in the driveway. 
     John came because somebody fell in the bathroom and somebody else did not have a phone on them.  You can probably figure out which role I played.
     Jackie is not hurt, and honestly I needed John to get her up off the floor.
     I do need someone who can repair drywall however, as the walker put a half dollar sized hole in the wall.  Hole.  Not dent.  Hole.
     Like I said, it was a weird day.  And I never found Uncle Henry's ashes.
Peace and Love

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