Sunday, October 13, 2019

Wehre's Linus??

We got into fall mode today

     Our ghosts and witches are up and now the pumpkins are on the porch!
     I still have to buy some candy that I will eat because we never get more than one or two trick or treaters.  Maybe this year......
     I was busy for doing nothing.
     Picked the remaining beans and 2 green peppers, dug some carrots, went to a program at the library and cooked two steaks on the grill.  It was cold.  I shivered.  Red wine helped, but not enough.
     The program was a cooperative venture between the museum, library and newspaper.
     The newspaper had stacks of bound copies of the local paper.  All they were doing was gathering dust.  They gave them to the museum.  We at the museum don't have a place to store them, but the library does. cabinets were purchased, the books were hauled to the library and put in cabinets in correct order and everybody is happy.
    Which made for a good day.
Peace and Love

Whose a spoiled girl?

One of these might be the Great Pumpkin!

There's always one......

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