Sunday, October 20, 2019

Brain farts and other oddities

I wonder sometimes about my mental health

     Short story.  Names have been changed to protect the Innocent.
     I get a request from Sue.  I forward the request to Nancy, asking Nancy to call Sue at this number.  Except, I don't give Sue's name, I give her mother in law's name....let's say Jill.
     Nancy calls Sue  asks for Jill.  Sue says that Jill is her MIL, and gives her the correct number.  Nancy calls Jill, explains she got the number from Sue, and tells her we are good to go with the project.
     This confuses Jill, because she has no idea what Nancy is talking about!  Nancy runs through the whole scenario, and Jill says talk to my daughter in law, Sue.
     The whole circle started because I talked to Sue and gave her number to Nancy, but I gave her Jill's name.
     Confused?  That sums up me.
     Every time I get in my car and drive I am surprised at how long it takes me.
I left the house at 9:40 today.  It takes about 5 minutes to drive into town.
I got in town and the clock radio read 9:52.  That meant I was going to be late.
     So I hurried up and as I drove through Creston, I noticed my car clock said 10:07.  But the bank clock said 10.......which explains why it always takes me so long!  My car clock was off by 7 minutes!
     I have not fixed it yet.
     At church I was pouring coffee and moved my cup over to put cream in and forgot to flip the spigot up.  Coffee all over.  Flipped over a plate as I was cleaning it up.
     Went to grill and discovered my two tanks of propane are both empty.
     Watched the Bears.
     Luckily, I watched the Bears after my bike ride.  My mind was relaxed plus I missed the first half, which ended up being a blessing.
     Finally, sitting at the computer I got bit by something black.  Spider?  Mosquito?  Fly?  It stings.  And itches.  I smacked it, but could not tell what it was because it was pretty flat.
     Like my arches.
Peace and Love
     And some TREE men dous photos from my little ride today.

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