Friday, August 2, 2019


I have a lot of people to thank today

     Julia for helping me download pictures and sorting out my password problem.  Emily for finding my blog password and e mail address.  John for the Cubs.
     Had a neat day today.  It is ending now on a very quiet note.  The Alpine horns play at the festival.       When they started tonight, you could hear them at Julia's.  We stood out on the covered patio and listened to the horns echoing off the mountains and over the lake.  Then the traditional cow herders song was sung and you could hear it up here.  Very peaceful, very calm. story.
     Julia and I were on our way out of Manor, which is a big Macy's type store.  A woman was pushing a carriage and yelling "Anna!  Anna!"
     We continued on and a short distance later I saw a little girl sitting by herself on the sidewalk next to her tiny scooter.  I told Julia to stay there and keep an eye on the girl.  I went back to where I had seen the woman and said I had seen a little girl by herself.  She followed me to where the girl was and it was Anna!!!  Everyone was happy.
     I used my zoo training for dealing with lost children.  Don't pick them up, don't move them, don't talk to them, just watch them and call for help.
     Another thank you to the home folks who sent a picture of Corki and are shipping guy hearing aid charger so I can hear better.
Peace and Love and some pictures

Normally this is a quiet street by Charlies

This is an entrance to a bank

Linda D.......cows on parade, Swiss style!


A little pause for refreshments

Lousy picture..but we are watching the Cubs beat the Brewers live!!!

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