Friday, August 9, 2019


I love my time in Switzerland

     Yes, I get to visit my daughter.  It gives Emily a break from us and reminds Julia of why she moved so far away
But I love the people here, especially the people I have met through Julia.    I w0n't name names, because some of the people are not in my pictures yet....but they will be before we leave.
     I also like the places.  The scenery.  The old architecture.  The scenery.  The lake,  The Alps.  The scenery
     And I love some of the food.  Especially the perch pan fried in butter and served with fries  This year was not as good as in the past, but he dish was still amazing.
     Julia dropped Jackie and me off and  told us what restaurant to go to.  We went in and this man in sunglasses said "Bnn jour."  I said "Bon jour" back, took two steps and realized it was George!  I have known him for at least 15 year and he and his wife  Monica are always on my list of people I want to see.  A planned surprise!
     So....enough words.
     I also though it would be neat to walk up to characters in the production and ask for a picture with them  That led to many interesting conversations!

Long time friends!

I love the scenery!

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