Friday, August 30, 2019


I had to do some homework tonight

     And like many of my homework assignments, like  my high school senior year geography workbook, it was long overdue and ignored.
     I take out a hissing cockroach for people to lightly pet.  I know next to nothing about the critter, and what I thought I did know was not correct.
     So tonight I spent some time reading about these little critters so I can properly answer questions.
     They are hissing cockroaches because they have the ability to expel air when frightened, trying to find a mate, or battling another cockroach.  It is a loud sound.  I once suggested that they would be more entertaining if they were called farting cockroaches, but my humor was not appreciated.
     I have never heard one hiss.  I keep waiting, but nothing.
     I have a hisstory ( get it?) of procrastinating on assignments.
     In high school, we had a teacher who required us to use a geography book to complete a workbook.  She only had a certain number of books, so each class had to leave their books for the next.
     Friend John likes to remind me it was a couple of weeks before graduation and I had not yet started the required to pass the class workbook.  But due to my amazing ability to retain information, and knowing the old bat teaching the class never looked at the answers to see if they were correct, only that they were there, I managed to complete the workbook in one weekend or so. 
     OK, the answers did not make sense.  Gibberish.  Nonsense.
     But they were answers and she gave me a passing grade.
     If I had paid attention in class, instead of gabbing with Connie and anyone else, I might have learned something.
     Connie was Greek, by the way.  One day in class the teacher called on me asking, "What's a Greek urn?"  I turned to Connie and said, "Hey, much does your dad make?"
     I thought it was funny.
Peace and Love

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