Sunday, July 28, 2019

leaving on a jet plane

My bags are packed, I 'm ready to go

     Appropriate song for tonight. We leave tomorrow for two weeks with Julia!  I am excited, nervous, tired, and anxious.
     Today we were pretty busy.
     Four loads of laundry, picked and froze two kinds of beans, finished moving the mulch from the driveway, went to church, did my column for next week's paper, and packed.
     Well, almost everything is packed.
     What are we taking?
     The usual.  Like this

     Ok this is practical, in theory.  Jackie found these suction cup safety bars on line.  She ordered them July 3 and we got them Friday.
     But we tried them with mixed results.  They work great on the counter top, but not on the wall or the back splash.  The directions say use on ceramic tiles 4 inches square or larger.  Not sure if they will work at Julia's.  Time will tell.
      We also have a walker, grabber, canned soup, and assorted other items not generally found in Switzerland.
     The good news is...we are under weight.  The bags, not us.  Personally.  although I have lost 8 pounds this summer.  I do not know how, but the scale said 196 yesterday and I started May at 204.  I eat like a horse. 
     My first thought was the scale is broken.  But I am not going to double check.  I'll take it.
 Peace and Love and who knows when I'll write again.

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