Monday, August 5, 2019

no plans at all

I did nothing today

     I started the da with a  bit of a headache and did not want to aggravate my situation.  So I relaxed.
     But here I am., 9 p.m. and feeling ready to go for a walk or hike or go for coffee.
     I did watch some interesting remodeling and home  buying shows.    
     One show, Escape to the Chhateau, follows a British  couple who buy an abandoned chateau in France and work to restore it.  I saw some episodes last year, so this must bee season two or three.
     They want to put an elevator in one  of the towers because there are a lot of stairs  His idea for an elevator is a tube like device that operates on air.  Air is sucked out the top, and pumped in the  bottom, so the elevator shoots up,  much like drive up tellers..  I don't think he will finish the project in the next 10 days, but I am curious.
     I  also watched some house hunters type shows, which are pretty similar to ours.  But today two couples opted not to  buy at the end of the search  Instead they found properties on their own.  Don't often see that in the states.
     So, that's ii  Tomorrow should be a cooler day....mid 80s here today.....and manybe a chance for me to go up the hill to Chardonne.
Peace and Love

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