Sunday, August 18, 2019

odds and ends

Just some strange observations and thoughts

     I've listened to music a long time.  Words change.  When Little Richard sings that Molly likes to ball, it isn't actually a sexual reference.  Back when the song was done, ball meant to dance.  So Molly likes to dance.
     Mack the Knife is a dark song set to lively music.  Mac is a serial killer.  With a knife.  A big, sharp knife.
     Does a house burn down, or up?  Sometimes I get confused.
     Caught a dragonfly in the house Sunday.  During dinner.  We all heard it, but Barb saw it first.  Caught it and released it out front, hoping it will eat some of the mosquitoes that attack me in the garden.
     Captured another ground squirrel.  We had a nice chat on our ride out to the country.  He/she was not happy.  Do these critters have a homing sense that would allow them to travel over a mile to get back to my yard and their burrow?  Do I need to go farther away?
     Why do I always have one shoelace longer than  the other?
     I read where an Italian gent died recently.  He claimed to have had sex with over 6,000 women.  He died having sex in the back seat of his car with a tourist he had just met.  This just reinforces my belief that there is something fundamentally wrong with some people.
     I have slept with over 100 women at a time.  Usually it is around 2 a.m.   Almost everybody is asleep by then, so I am guessing that there are 100 women somewhere asleep the same time as me.
     We got a strange letter.  The person's name was clipped off the return address label.  It came from a city where we know no one.  I opened it, curious about the mysterious letter.  Inside I found a card we had mailed to someone with a Post It note from a stranger attached, telling us these people moved 6 years ago.  I thought that was thoughtful.  Now I wonder where the Christmas cards are going.
     I am addicted to caramel crunches at Starbucks.  Need to stop.
     Have only played spider solitaire twice since coming back from Julia's.  I don't miss it.
     I am tired, but I think I had too much coffee to sleep.  I am going to try.
Peace and Love

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