Saturday, August 24, 2019

dazed and confused

I was up by 5:30 this morning

     A.M.  ME!  I volunteered to work at the market, checking in vendors and telling them their spaces.
     It went pretty well, but I am tired.
     I also fed and twice let out the dogs.  Unlike last night, I knew where all the dogs were and most of their names.  I got the food right too, I think.
     Today marked day 11 of not putting the legs on the table for the patio.  I will do that tomorrow.  I will.
     The table is laying on the floor of the garage, which means I can't park my car in the garage.  I think 11 days is enough.
     Emily and John brought us caramel corn from Galena....and it is great caramel corn.  I ate too much of it already.  Jackie got a butter pecan flavored corn, which is pretty good too.
     And I  got a bottle of now the picture is complete.  When my dad hit a certain age all we could buy him for birthdays and Christmas were nuts, wine and cigarettes.  I think his descent into wackiness started when he was about 70.
     Uh oh. 
     Think I'll have some more caramel corn.
Peace and Love

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