Wednesday, August 7, 2019

stairways to heaven

I did Dad things today

     Lots of time Julia orders wood for the winter while I am visiting..  With her status up in the air, she did not do that this year.
     However, she had some wood on the ground floor patio that needed to come up.
     So I carried the wood up.  13 armfuls..  15 steps.  I think I got my cardio workout today.
     I then swept up the downstairs patio, and the upstairs patio, and pulled a couple of weeds
     It rained lightly most of the day, so there was nothing else to do.
     Tonight we are watching the Cubs.  And I am wearing a sweatshirt!
     Tomorrow we go to the fete again, this time at night.  Hopefully I will get to see the whole spectacle this time.
     Jackie will be by herself, but she does have a couple of phone numbers if she needs help.
     I finally saw one of the cats that visits is a very beautiful animal.  I also found a mouse in the woodpile, so maybe that is why the cat hangs around.
     Pretty laid back two days thanks to the rain....but tomorrow and Friday are supposed to be dry and nice..
     And I am looking forward to a visit from my nephew on Saturday!!
Peace and Love

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