Friday, August 23, 2019

what a day

Had my seventh Cub game of the season today

     I almost did not make it.
     The tickets are on my mobile phone.  For the first six games, I would get to the park, open my wallet on the phone, and get the ticket.
     The first six.  This was game seven.
     On the train, I tried to check my ticket....and could not find it.  Wallet was empty, or not set up even.
     I tried the MLB ap, but I could not get in because I did not use the right password.  I called home, Jackie gave me the password, but I could not get in.      Tried resetting the password.  They gave me a temprary password  to use.  The password  was not accepted.
     I tried for the entire train ride into the city.
     When we got to the park, I went to the mobile ticket window and explained the problem.  The nice man said, "Log into Yahoo."
     Well, I entered my password instead.  I started over.  When I went to log in, I entered my password instead of my user name.  Three times I did this, getting more frustrated every minute as the line kept building behind me.
I finally stepped out, entered my e mail address then my password and got into     Yahoo.....but when I gave the phone back to the guy, he punched a lot of numbers and letters and got nothing.
     Finally, he asked me my last name and ran a search through ticket holders, found the four pack I purchased, got Linda and Dan's seat number, and found my ticket for today, and printed a paper one for me.
     Then we sat through a miserable game for the Cubs...and watched a 9-3 loss.
     Topping it off, I used my Ventra card to board the L....but nothing happened.  I tried again...nothing.  Then I noticed I was using my AAA club card.  Once I used the Ventra card, no problem at all.
     When I got home I had to feed Emily and John's dogs.  I got all the food parcelled out, but I had one bag left.  I counted dogs, and had all the dogs....still one bag left.
     That's when I saw the newest dog in a crate in the dark.  Black dog, dark spot...almost missed her.
     In the end, all were fed, let out, petted, and put to bed.
     Which is where I am going because I have to be up at 5:30 tomorrow.
Peace and Love and Zzzzzzs

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