Friday, August 9, 2019


I had an amazing experience

     Every 20 years or so, Vevey puts on a celebration of wine.  It's a called Fete des Vignerons.  Google it, you will be amazed.
     The local people are the show.  I am going with what I have heard, so there may be some exaggeration.
     100 million franc to produce, including building a 20,000 seat temporary stadium in the market areas.  a 12 million franc LED floor designed by someone who did Olympic opening ceremonies.  Cast of 5,000 or more people.
     All put together to produce a 2 plus hour show that includes fireworks, cows, goats, horses, flying fairies and just an amazing experience.
     Honestly, that is the reason we came this year.  This once ever opportunity for us could not be passed up.
     Unfortunately Jackie only saw half the show.  My poor judgment thought a 2 p.m. show would be fine, when it wasn't.  To be fair, the 2 p'm. show does not do the technical aspect of this fete justice....the LED floor was a star of the show but can't be seen doing the daytime very well.
     Then again, the show starts at she might have had a hard time keeping awake for the whole production.
     No pictures today....maybe later.  Internet was down here for a while after we got about 1 a.m.  And we have places to go and people to see this morning.
Peace and Love

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