Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Just a few pictures to share today

These signs are all around Vevey.....at the bottom of the board is a spot for cigarette butts.  I saw many signs in French the local language, but also many in English.

This is what happens when you let your nephew hold he camera while you make a bathroom run.

Notice the line?  Funny story.  My camera has a strap.  It also has a cord that connects to a computer.  If you are tired when  picking up the camera, the cord is not a good choice to carry it by because it may detach from the camera, allowing your really expensive instrument to bounce down three concrete steps.  I think just the lens filter is damaged, but it hit so hard I can't get it off.

Hope it does not see a cat

Grand pine...just down the street from Julia's.  This tree is enormous and I love looking at it.

Never walked on a 12 million franc floor before

Yes, I know the frame is for the scenery, not me.

Love the knife

Beverage of choice when boarding business,  Hint, it is not apple cider!

     So last night I went to bed at 9 and slept until 5.  Hopefully tonight I will make it to 10 and sleep until 8.  Hopefully.
Peace and Love

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