Wednesday, August 28, 2019

strange things

There was an accident near us today

      It was at Flagg and Skare Road.  I don't know when, but at some point we heard sirens.  Corki barks when she hears them.  She also barks at tractors going down the road.  Yes, it does happen.
     Anyway, did not pay attention to the sirens.  When cooking supper I looked out the window and saw police cars at the corner.  After supper I rode my bike, passing that area, and saw lots of glass and some damage to the grass, like what a car would make when it was skidding.
     I just hope everyone is ok.  That time of night is bad because the sun can blind you from the west if you are pulling out from Skare.  A car coming from the west might not been highly visible, especially if it's a dark car without lights on. 
     I sometimes go down to Fowler if it is early in the day because the same problem happens in the morning.  Sometimes, because I am rarely up that early.
     I did a history walk with fifth graders today.  I forgot how little they are, and how much energy they have.  It's always a trip going into my old classroom.     Brings back lots of memories and a few regrets too.
     Anyway, can't live life looking backward, can you?
Peace and Love

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