Sunday, August 4, 2019

relaxation Swiss style

I did not do much today

    Yesterday I had a period of dizziness and nausea, followed by a terrific headache.  I am not blaming it on the wine, because I did not have that much yesterday.  Friday night, maybe....but not yesterday.
So instead of visiting with my niece Megan, down from Zurich, I spent the day sleeping while Julia and Megan explored Vevey and the fete booths.
      We had a barbecue last night and the champagne was flowing, but not into me.  I was very conservative.
     Jackie has been fine....we worked out he shower situation.  At home she sits on a bench.  Here we use a yard chair, set it in the shower, I hose her down, she washes, I hose her down and she gets out.  What I thought would be a problem is not a big issue.  It's a two person job, but we get it done.
     Our showers are small....less than a yard square.  The control is right in the middle.  I can set the water to the right temp, hit it with my elbow and go either from scalding hot to freezing cold to no water in a second.  I have learned to keep my elbows in.
     Getting up the slope has been ok for there too,.  I will post a video of that some day on Facebook.
     Years ago I found a wine dealer I like.  We went there yesterday and bought some wine.  I like it because of the view, the hospitality, the samples, and the bread sticks.
     Years ago I wandered down the street from Julia's previous apartment.  I saw the vintner's place.  I read  the sign in my terrible French, that said enter on the terrace.
     So I went up onto the terrace opened the door, and stepped into some one's living room!  I hastily exited.    
     As I was standing there, and elderly gent came along and asked me something in
French that involved me saying "I don't understand " several times.  This led to him calling a young boy over, who was the son of the vintner.  I asked in my best French where the cellar was and was it open.  I have no idea what he said, but it involved him going, "Papa voom, voom voom."
      I went back with Julia the following Saturday and we went down toe the lower terrace, where the shop was.  The woman took us into the cellar where the family was working......a girl boxing bottles, the young boy applying labels, the dad doing something.  We were able to see the vats were the wine is stored and almost understood everything she said.
     Since then I make it a point to go there.  The view is amazing.  And I like the wind.
     Today I spent my entire day inn a chair on the patio.  Still have a headache, not quite as bad.  No dizziness or nausea.  And I slept 10 hours last night.
     Hopefully we can watch the Cubs tonight....the feed was not working for Saturday's same, but we saw Friday's game.  Electronics are strange.
 Love and Peace

From the vintner's terrace

My view for most of the day

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