Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Sometimes little things fascinate me

     Like windows.
     European windows are a little different.

     See what I mean:

A closed window

Ahh.....lots of fresh air.  but what if it rains or it is nighttime?

Ok, the view is prety good

     Rain or night, or if you are gone for the day, you can open the top of the window and get fresh air!


     The windows open two ways... from the top or from the side.  The opening is based on which way you turn the handle.
     Some of the doors work the same way, allowing you to safely leave the door open for ventilation but keeping rain and critters out.
     Who thought of that?  
     And why do windows in the US not do that?
      I won't go into the screen situation over the pond....they usually don't have any.  Yet bugs are not a big issue.  Go figure.
     Digression:  I made it awake till past 10, but I have been up since 5.     Hopefully I can sleep till 8 tomorrow.
Peace and Love

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