Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Bob Dylan was right

The times have been changing

     I did a ramble today.
    My plan was to go to the top of the mountain, have a coffee, move down to Chardonne, maybe have another coffee and buy bread and a  Chardonne in this wonderful little bakery just a few steps from Julia's old place.
     Sunny and warm when I left the house.
     Reached  Mt. Pelerin,  the top of the mountain  and discovered the wonderful restaurant with the beautiful patio overlooking the lake was closed.  Not only that, but there was no other place to get coffee.  So I wandered a bit, and noticed the clouds were forming on the eastern part of the lake.
     I took the funicular down to Chardonne and went to the bakery.
     It's gone.
     There is a bread store in its place, but it was closed.  No window full of pastries, no display case full of cookies and candies and Chardonnes.  No coffee in the pleasant cafe part of the shop..
     I wandered down to the grocery store, which is still there, to buy bread but hey didn't have the huge selection they used to have either..
     I misunderstood the bill, and tried to pay 3.40 franc instead of the 5.70 total, which was my fault all the way.  But confounding the situation, I mixed all my franc together.  It was a mess..
     Then it rained.  And drained.  And lightning.  And thundered.
     I hid under the patio of the post office and Julia came to get me.  That was at 3 and it is now past 8 and it is still raining.
     I just hope we get Jackie down the hill safely.  I may have to hold on to the back of her mobility scooter as an anchor.
     If you don't hear from me again, we ended up flying off the side of the mountain and crashing through the house in front.
     Some pictures from my ramble.
Peace and Love..

in Corseaux

in Corseaux

main drag

going up in the fun

The funicular is a vertical elevator..  One car goes up, one goes down and they meet in  th middle, where the track splits..

Mt Pelerin

ne storm has passed
Strange cows in Switzerland

fire department

storm moving in at the top of the mountain

grapes of wrath?

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