Saturday, August 17, 2019


Had a great day in the Hub City today

     I helped set up the museum booth, an ice cream social type enterprise with cake, pie, cookies and custard.
     Then I found Frank and Barb.  I grew up with Frank and his brother John.  Frank and wife Barb have a 65 Impala convertible in beautiful condition and came for the car show.
     We sat and talked and I realized the one hour I said I would be gone was now about 2 and a half.
     I checked in at the museum, went home, and later returned to the downtown to help take down the museum booth.   By then John had arrived, so we all sat and visited.
     Thing is....I didn't really help at the museum!  When I started home, they were going to keep selling for a while.  Hope all went well.
     Meanwhile, John, Frank and Barb came out and I  burned some burgers and brats on the grill.
     And we talked about the old days.....time spent in high school, time wasted in high school, nights in The Shed, people no longer with us, and lots of other good, fun things.
     I don't  remember a lot from those days.....never have.  I usually can't even remember what year I graduated. Wonder why.  I have vivid memories of working at food stores, but not of social things.  So either I was busy working, or just too self absorbed to know what was going on around me.
     I sort of think the latter may be true...still is, to a certain degree.
     It was a lot of fun visiting with friends from my younger years.  We don't do it enough.
Peace and  Love and memories

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