Tuesday, August 20, 2019

huh......just huh

Sometimes my life is just weird

     We moved into this house about 7 years ago.  I picked out a really neat track lighting system for the laundry room.  It has 5 lights.
     I ordered the fixture, and bought 5 light bulbs.  Lo and behold, it came with lights included.  So I put the extra lights away, knowing one day I would have to replace ones that burned out.
    Over the years I have replaced two or three.  I currently have 2 burned out, and I fully intended to change them.
     Today, the remaining 3 went out.  All at once.  That makes no sense.  I checked the breakers, they are fine.
     So I pulled one of the dead light bulbs out and it broke.  Part of the plug is still in the light.
     But I figured no big deal.  I will replace the next one, then flip the breaker to turn off the power and use a pliers to pull out the plug still stuck in the light.
     I can't find the replacement bulbs.  They are not where I keep light bulbs.  They are not where I keep towels.  They are not in the cabinet in the laundry room.
     I don't think I have replaced 5 bulbs.  I think I replaced 2 in the entire time, so I should have 3 left.
     My next problem is if I put in new bulbs and it still doesn't work, I guess I call an electrician.
     Things like this just flummox me. 
     Plus, I am still waking up at 5:30.  So now I get tired and cranky around 4.     And I still have not put the damn table together. 
     I'm just a frustrated old man tonight.
Peace and Love and let there be light

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