Tuesday, August 27, 2019

on the road

I had a medical road trip today

     Met with my urologist in Sandwich, which is about an hour away.  His office was in Sycamore until just a couple of weeks ago, but now he is in Sandwich.
     I get panicky.  I was afraid I would get lost, although I knew the directions.  I was afraid I would miss the turn, although I knew where the turn was.  I was afraid I would not find the office and make the appointment on time.  I was afraid of what he would say.
     In the end (literally) he said I was not to worry about my PSA level creeping up...because it was creeping, not running amok.  It is normal for a man of my age. 
     Not going into a lot of detail, he completed his exam quickly.  We spent a lot of time talking about stress, diet, exercise, weight control....and he gave me a book to read prior to my next appointment in six months.
     I drove home via Sycamore and DeKalb because I had three stops to make.  I forgot the third.
     I was reminded of that when I got home and got on the mower, only to discover that I had no gas cap.  I knew I had no gas cap because I mowed over it last week, shattering it into a billion pieces.  I called my friend at the place where I  bought the mower and he cautioned me about mowing without a cap, because if dirt or grass got into the tank I would have bigger problems than long grass.
He then offered to drop a lid off on his way home.
     When I got home from our first rehearsal of the winter play, I found the gas cap.
     Now I can mow...or rather tomorrow, because it is a little late tonight. 
     So....maybe tonight I will sleep well.
Peace and love and a couple of pictures

Can't see me...I'm in camo

New building in Rochelle......just kidding...Chi town

I just liked this barn.

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