Thursday, October 18, 2018

new! new! new!

I seem to have some new stuff

      You know about the hearing aids.  I think.
      I have had them for just over a week and it has been an adjustment.
     Today I had a really hard time getting them in place, for some reason.  I got frustrated and angry.
     Angry that I needed them.  Frustrated that I could not get them in.  Angry that I am getting old.
     Eventually I got them in and went on my merry way.
     I had my first mentoring session with a young boy.  It seemed to go well.  We had lunch together.  I ate the hot lunch, which was some type of meat, but he said he didn't eat meat and ate the corn and fruit roll up.  I gave him my fruit roll up and told him to save it for a snack.
     I wandered over to Sycamore and stopped at the place where I got my hearing aids.  The doctor was running around frantically because she was between patients and had one in the waiting room.  But she took the time to look in my ear and tell me I had the right one in at an angle.  She then had me practice putting them in. 
     I went on my merry way, again.
     Stopped at a card store to buy some cards. 
     My hearing aids are Bluetooth capable, so they are hooked to my phone.  When my phone rings, I hear it through the hearing aids.
     Standing in the middle of this store, an Amber Alert went out.  That alert consists of a series of high pitched noises designed to get your attention.
I heard the dam alert and did not know what was going on!  The blaring was loud, and I saw a woman looking at her phone and said, "Do you hear a noise?"  She said that it was just an Amber Alert.
     If I was epileptic that would have driven me to a seizure.  As it was I was almost crazy.  But, after I bought my stuff I went on my merry way.
     Picked up my Goofy sweatshirt.  I thought it needed a new zipper, turns out it only needed the slider.  Now it's fixed and it was only $5.  And I was on my merry way.
     Emily got me a new phone, so that is another new thing. 
     I took some pictures and I am impressed by the capability of the phone.
     I also went to a benefit auction while Jackie was at her library board meeting.       Works by a local photographer were auctioned off to benefit the Rochelle Community Foundation.  I saw a print I liked ...... then another.  Unfortunately, they started auctioning the ones on the other side of the room.
     Now I figured I could go maybe $275 for the print, either one.  The bidding for the first quickly passed that mark and the bidding for the second started above that mark.
     No picture, but I did get a great cookie from Sunshine Bakery!! to bed.
     I will leave you with some pictures from my new phone.

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