Saturday, October 20, 2018

old friends, old friends

I spent a little time with an old friend today

     We've never actually met.  I would be willing, but it would be a one sided effort.  Guido Brunetti is a fictional detective in Venice.  Donna Leon writes novels with him as the main character.
     She is an American, but lives in Venice.  Or a least used to.
     I have mentioned her, and him, in previous posts.
     Two years ago?  I decided to read all of her Guido Brunetti order.  I have read them all out of sequence, but thought in order might be good.  And it was.  I got to see how characters were introduced, how they changed, how the commissario's family grew. 
     This year she came out with the 27th book in the series.  It seems like a long time since I had the joy of reading about Venice, and this book is not disappointing me.
     I went to see a former student who runs a barbecue truck.  Rochelle had a food truck day from 11-3.  I went at 1 and Jeremy was already sold out!  Next time.  There was a strange confluence of circumstances that resulted in his being short on brisket......I may be going to Jan's house tomorrow for lunch.  She does not know that.  Jim, if you are reading this, tell her to lock up the brisket.
     We had a pizza delivery from Kevin, whose darling daughter has a birthday soon.  They had a kids' party and had some left overs, so Jackie and I got pizza and cupcakes.  What a deal!
     I topped off the day by going to a Halloween party.  Truth be told, we don't get out much anymore.  And Jackie did not go tonight because we are never sure about bathrooms, steps, the whole shebang.  But I went and had a nice time seeing some folks I hadn't seen for a while.  And visiting with one of my girl besties......
     Funny, at the end of the day you realize how many people come into your life, if only on paper.  You miss the paper ones, and the real ones, because time goes past so quickly and you didn't get the bike ride in, or the museum visit, or the architectural boat tour and you say next summer.  Next year.  I can only hope.
     Happy dreams to all.
     Don't forget to visit friends, even the ones on paper.

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