Friday, October 12, 2018

an olio

Just some strange thoughts and incidents today

     Who would think two weeks before Halloween pumpkins would be in short supply?  Especially the smaller, less expensive ones.
     I overheard a one sided phone conversation recently, still sticks in my mind.  "I was thinking of either the Marriott or the Hilton.............Dude, I won't stay at a Motel 6.  I am not my father."
     I was at a bookstore in Rockford today and had an on line coupon.  I asked the nice lady behind the counter if the coupon was valid.  She looked at it and said, "Yes, but it is an on line coupon."  I said thanks, found a book, went to pay and gave her the coupon.  "This is an on line coupon,"  she said.  I told her yes, I downloaded it this morning.  "No, you can only use it on line." A light finally went off in my head. 
     I have an addiction to Donna Leon.  Her 27th Guido Brunetti book came out this year and I am now reading it.  Last year I read the first 26.  In order. 
     When I was at the bookstore, I had some time to kill so I got a coffee.  The lady ahead of me, Marsha, got a tea.  I waited around and they called my order.
Then they asked, "Where is the lady with the tea?"  Vanished, gone.  They kept calling, "Marsha?  Marsha?"  Nothing.  She came back about 10 minutes later and said she got a phone call, became distracted, and forgot.  I am not so bad after all.
     Took the BMW in for some minor service work.  Later in the day I saw a woman who looked at me, and then the car, and said, "When did you get a BMW?" I get embarrassed when people comment, for some reason.  I know I shouldn't be.
      I went into the mall at Cherry Valley this morning and immediately did a lap on the upper level.  I felt compelled, since there were about 5,671 other seniors walking hell bent for leather.  They sucked me into their vortex.  I strolled.  They passed me with looks of derision.
     I stuck a $20 bill in my front pocket to pay for supper last night.  When I got there, my pocket was empty.  I had stopped to buy cucumbers and mushrooms, so it must have fallen out.  Those were expensive vegetables and fungi.  Should of used my wallet.
      Lesson learned.
     Until I do it again.
     And until I do this again, peace and love. 
     Remember:  You can fail, or you can succeed.  There is no such thing as try. 
     I think I am going to try to go to sleep.   See the irony?

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