Saturday, October 27, 2018

a little irritants

Hooman beans sometimes get my goat

     I went to Walmart today and a lady parked her Jeep in front of the store, in the fire lane.  The three people with her questioned if she could park there and she said, "We'll only be a minute or two."
     Then she walked in and grabbed a cart.
     The angry person inside me said to tell her to move her car because the other 299 cars in the lot realized their shit does stink, and so does hers.
     But the Milquetoast in me decided to just ignore it and seethe as I saw her shop.
     Then I got home and worked in the garden and some yahoo in an ATV came roaring across the vacant lot and tore up and down the detention pond behind my house.  I could see the dirt flying from his wheels.
     My first thought was to wish that he have an accident and break a leg, then I thought that was too harsh.  Maybe he would develop engine trouble and have to abandon the ATV while he got help.  I would then call the sheriff's office and report it.
     Why not call sooner?   Because by the time a deputy arrives, those yahoos are long gone.
     Just seconds after the AVT left, a sheriff's car went in the same direction.  My hope is the driver gets a ticket and hefty fine.
     All that on top of the stupidity and hatred shown in Pittsburgh.  I just don't understand people.  I don't understand how people are allowed to have those types of weapons.  I don't understand.
     So I took Corki for a walk and ran into birds.
     I did a video.   I am posting it on Facebook.  I can't do it here.
     Watch it, or not.  I find it fascinating and relaxing.
     Peace.  And Love.  And acceptance.  And tolerance.

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