Saturday, October 6, 2018

just been thinking

I have come up with some ideas for  tv shows

     Now, I know I don't have the same sense of humor or gift of creativity that a lot of Hollywood writers have, but I do have quite an imagination.
     I am using that imagination to pitch some tv shows to the nation.  Feel free to use these to develop the next mega hit, just be sure to include me in the riches.
     Digression.....I forgot to buy a lottery ticket tonight!  $400 million!! And I forgot.  Damn, damn, double damn.
     Back to the tv shows (or choose.)
     Woof Over My Head.......It's a dog's world, and Maggie and Homer are dogs.  They have two owners who have children, but the dogs actually talk and the people just bark!  The dogs run the house, prepare the food, do all the human stuff, while the humans do all the dog stuff, like chew on furniture, play fetch.  I don't know how to handle the waste elimination aspect, but in a tv world people never use the bathroom anyway.  It's a comedy.
     Oops, My Mistake......aged lawmakers approve a beer guzzling frat boy to a high ranking court, only to get voted out of office and end up working as greeters at a big box store run by an ego driven megalomaniac.   It's a comedy.
     What in the Hell??.......A game show in which participants are expected to tell what  products from the 1920s and 30s were used for.  Props could be women's corsets, spats, rotary dial phones,  cranks from car get the idea.
     Where am I?........ A reality show where seniors are taken a new location and left,  then have to find their way home using only an I phone for help.
     Beach Patrol........ A drama featuring two well muscled men and three very beautiful women who spend the day cleaning up beaches around the world that are flooded with plastic bottles, bags, netting, dead whales, and oil from offshore drilling oil spills.  Imperative the men wear Speedos and the women nun outfits.
     Common Sense.....Not based on Tommy Paine's best seller, this show focuses on one family each week that  suffers from a lack of common sense.  They always discover at the end of each episode that:  They don't have a relative in Nigeria trying to send them money; they have not won $50,000 in a contest they never entered but have to send money to insure their prize is sent; the 39 fake  Facebook posts they shared exposed their computer to 2,898 get the drift.  Not a comedy.
     He Gone.......Show focuses on a professional baseball team that struggles through a season but manages to have won the most games in their league, only to have it slip away with 3 straight losses to end the season.  Not a comedy.  (Title in homage to Hawk.)
     I think some of these are real winners, guaranteed to get high ratings.
     And you can book it, Dano!
     I think I am done.
     Good night.

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