Tuesday, October 30, 2018


I think I am getting boring

     Just looking at my stats for the past week.  The last 5 posts have not gotten many views.....almost half of what the 5 posts before that had.
     Some explanations that are possible:
   People have abandoned Facebook  for whatever reason and don't know you can read this at tdinten.blogspot.com without ever going on Facebook.
   I have become boring.
   I am complaining too much about trivial things, like tv commercials and naked church people.
   People are on vacation.
   The links are disappearing.
   People like pictures more than words.
   My being from another planet has been made public.
   Not enough time to read an insightful comment on modern society.
   I have become  boring.
   I have started to repeat myself.
   The election is on people's minds and they don't have time for triviality as they research each candidate's published stands on issues.
    The World Series exhausted them.
    I have become like an all too familiar neighbor.  When they show up you go, oh no, not him again.
    All excellent points to ponder.
    But not tonight.  I have other issues to decide.
      Peach out, dudes and dudettes.

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